22 March 2023

Envisioning Sustainable Trade Shows & Events

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Hosting sustainable trade shows and events is about striking a balance between ecosystem health, human well-being, and economics. By convening with sustainability considerations at the front and center, the adventure travel community contributes in a tangible way toward ensuring the global travel network continues to evolve responsibly in blending ecological stewardship, social integrity, and economic vitality.

To better understand how adventure travel event components can be made more sustainable, Switzerland Tourism and the Adventure Travel Trade Association partnered with the goal of making ATTA’s annual signatory event, the Adventure Travel World Summit (ATWS), held in Lugano, Switzerland in 2022 the most sustainable ATWS yet.

In this webinar, gain insight into:

  • the sustainability goals of the 2022 ATWS held in Lugano, Switzerland
  • survey results on sustainability from viewpoints of organizers and attendees
  • resulting guidelines for hosting sustainable events in the adventure travel industry
  • how our industry can minimize carbon emissions associated with trade events

    This webinar will be recorded and shared with with those who register. Registration is required.

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